Weather stations with modern sensors and data logging equipment. HIDROLAB has agricultural applications applications for logging wheather conditions on a datalogger plus details like maximum and minimum temperatures or humidities, wind speed, etc. to evaluate the hydric need of cultures and pest appearance risks..
You can e-mail us an application form about the area or product of your interest. Note the service or product on which you wish to ask us for more information or prices. Use the form available on this web.

- Solar radiation.
- Photosynthetic radiation.
- Temperature and humidity.
- Dew point.
- Rain.
- Speed and wind direction.
- Barometric pressure.
- Foliage wetting.
- Standard tank.
- Soil moisture.
- Probes TDR.
- Barometric pressure.
- Level.
- Flow.
- Quality of water. See Section.
- System integrators with ability to control.