To complement analytical determinations, HIDROLAB offers the possibility of making pilot tests for the treatment of residual or supply water, as well as other environmental remediations.
The results obtained in the laboratory tests serve to select the process of treatment that has the best performance/price ratio. In this way real and reliable solutions can be found with guaranteed results to many industrial cases, generating reports with improvement yield in every parameter and the expense of chemical products and other inputs.
You can consult us through the attached request by filling up with your data and making specific questions with your needs and/or interest, and we will answer to you widely.
Purification of water
They are often carried out treatability test on waste waters samples. They can consist of:
- Settling treatment test – Physical-chemical type test (comparison of different floculation agents..)
- Biological treatment test of aireation with activated sludges.
Also we carry out flotation tests and others like nitrification, denitrification and removal of phosphorus.
Sludges are drained and compacted for its volume reduction. Dehydration. Thermal drying. Inertization. Emission and odor removal.
Drinking water
Supply water purification methods are practiced, like settling, filtration, softening and ionic exchange, disinfection, sterilization and others.
Purification of atmospheric emissions
Test for atmospheric contaminant removal in the most approximated conditions to a real case.